Thursday, August 18, 2011

For Sale in Arkansas: House with Adorable Nursery

This place has got some lovely decor. I'm serious. The people who live here have "an eye," as they say.

I mean, look at this child's room. It looks like it came from a magazine:

Here's a nicely done kitchen. Only if the washboard conveys! If you don't make a legal commitment to leave it behind, we're walking away from this deal.

Here's what Husband and I refer to as a "Proclamation Deck." Husband is always on the lookout for a good proclamation deck when he's shopping for properties. From up there, he could stand and address his people, who would, of course, all be gathered below, in rapt attention.

Final verdict: I'd put it on the list, as long as they leave the washboard and everything in the nursery. I don't care that the nursery is full of memories that the homeowners would probably like to take with them, and that I no longer have an infant. That nursery is perfect and should be left intact.

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