Thursday, August 18, 2011

For Sale in Arkansas: The Island of Dr. Moreau

There's really only one thing "wrong" with this place, and the front of the building is NOT it.

Sure it's got a little bit of an unusual look to it, but it's okay. I thought at first that it was a giant corrugated tin building, which would have been a Very Bad Thing, but this seems to be some sort of wood siding, painted dark green. The shape of the building is a little unusual, but it has character.

But here, in this closer shot of the front door, you may be able to detect the "problem" with this property--the problem that led me to name it The Island of Dr. Moreau:
Do you see all the metal bars across the whole door area? Here, from the inside, the problem is overwhelming:
I am absolutely confident I'd feel imprisoned in that room. I'd feel like a caged bird, seriously, folks. Seriously. Why all the bars? I mean, has anyone seen the Dr. Moreau movie lately? The buildings look similar to this. What is running wild on this property that warrants all this security? I'd say zombies, but we all know that's just Hollywood nonsense. So what is it? WHAT? Wild animals? Wild people? Criminals? Animal-Person Hybrids?

And then the delicate furniture is such a contrast. If there were bars all over the windows but the furniture was rugged too, for some reason I think that would not be as viscerally upsetting. I mean, look at this precious little chandelier:
Here apparently are some delicate, refined people who've been trying to live in some crazy property where wild animals are constantly trying to burst in on them while they're taking their tea. I guess they've decided they can't take it any more and are finally trying to sell and move to a place where all they have to deal with is raccoons in the trash cans.

Final Verdict: I'm not adventurous enough to move into this property. Mark it off the list.

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